I rely on my phone more every year to be precise and advance my hunting process. The smartphone has become an essential tool for navigation, communication, research, documentation, and much more.
In this episode, I am on a late-season Mule Deer hunting with my friend Adam Pospischil. Adam is one of those hunters that is consistently successful in his hunts. He is a self-thought hunter and his success is built on his pre-hunt research, reliance on data interpretation, use of technology, and lots of committed hard work. Adam shares what tools he uses to make him a better hunter, and some of the lessons learned on his hunting journey.
We are hunting the grasslands and looking for a mature Mule Deer buck and using the apps and tips discussed on on this episode on the hunt.
Stick around to the end to find out how the hunt worked out.
Link to BC 1:20,000 maps link.
As always this podcast is brought to you by our friends at West Coast Kitchen Canada. They offer a 10% discount code on all of their nourishing backcountry food. Use the discount code EATWILD.
And our friends at Seek Outside sponsor this podcast. We’ve been using their tents all season to stay warm and dry on our adventures. Use EATWILD on your order for a deal.