Is bow hunting for you? I have pondered this question over the years of hunting. If you are new to hunting or well on your hunting journey, you have likely asked this question too.
In this episode, I am joined by Adam Foss. Adam is a professional photographer and is known throughout the community as an exceptional bow hunter. As I have got to know Adam over the past couple of years, I've been inspired to pick up my bow and start my journey as a bow hunter.
I've invited Adam on the podcast to discuss the opportunities and benefits of bow hunting. But we also recognize the challenges and commitment to be a successful bow hunter. So we discuss the necessary steps to take to become a bow hunter.
I'm teaming up with Adam to build a bow-hunting workshop. Over the years, many folks have asked when we will create an EatWild Bow Hunting Workshop. Well, here it is, and we've got one of the best bow hunters, storytellers, and good humans to lead it.
In his podcast, we touch on the motivations for the bow hunter, the benefits, the challenges, expectations for practice and reasonable outcomes.
You can join us for the inaugural EatWild Bow Hunting Workshop. We're hosting it on May 12 and 13th at the Arosa ranch in the Okanagan. You can find out more on our website.
As always, this podcast is brought to you by Seek Outside. They make unique ultralight tents and packs for your next adventure. Use the discount code EATWILD on your next purchase.
We also get support from our friends at West Coast Kitchen Canada. So stock up for the adventure season and use the discount code EATWILD.